What else can I do?

There are a variety of ways that you can help develop enterprising behaviour at home. Some of the most effective ways are by:

  • Giving young people tasks and responsibilities at home and supporting them to achieve them successfully
  • Being positive by turning set backs or mistakes into learning experiences
  • Asking their opinion and involving them in making decisions
  • Encouraging them to experience new things - it doesn't always have to cost money
  • Giving them real help to develop their own ideas or career plans that are suited to their interest, talents and abilities

How you can get involved at school

As a parent or carer you can pass on your experience of the world of work to your children. If you are an employee, employer or entrepreneur then you have valuable experiences to share, both with your child and others in their school. 

There are a  number of ways that you can help bring the world of work to life:

  • Give a careers talk on your profession to young people in the school
  • Discuss with teachers within the school how your profession can link to different subject areas
  • Work with the senior management team in the school to help them implement the techniques used in businesses into the running of the school
  • Invite both teachers and young people into your work environment to experience the world of work firsthand