In the World

Determined to Succeed is acknowledged as a world leader in enterprise education. It recognises the benefits in sharing knowledge and experience in enterprise in education, across Europe and beyond.

The work happening in Scotland has been showcased in Paris, Brussels, the Netherlands, Norway and North America and representatives from Germany, the Netherlands and Australia have visited Scotland to find out more.

A survey of 1,179 entrepreneurship experts in 29 countries rated enterprise education in Scottish schools as a world leader and found Determined to Succeed to be helping to raise ambition and develop enterprise skills at both primary and secondary school level. ( Link opens in new windowGlobal Entrepreneurship Monitor Scotland (2005) Scotland)

Determined to Succeed is fundamental in sparking enterprising ambition in our young people. For Scotland to realise its potential, we need a population ready and able to meet the challenges of a global 21st century. 

We need youngsters who are confident, flexible, prepared to take calculated risks, have a “can do, will do” attitude, and who want to make their ideas happen.

We need young people who are Determined to Succeed.