What's in it for me?

Plenty! Thousands of different organisations all over Scotland are telling us of their positive experiences.

Develop your staff

Interacting with young people impacts on your own workforce, stretching and developing the management, communication, team working and presentation skills of your people and introducing them to new and innovative ways of thinking. 

Harness the support of young people

Learn how to communicate with young people effectively. Encourage them to spread the word about your work and generate an interest in a future career with you or in your field.

Business development

Utilise the talents of young people by providing them with real life problems to solve. The creative approach they take will create opportunities for your business.

Raise your profile

Help to raise the profile of your organisation not to mention enhancing its reputation. It's also personally satisfying to give something back to your local area.

Make an impact

This is a chance to really make a difference to Scotland's future workforce, business leaders and entrepreneurs. Not to mention investing in the future of your own organisation.

Challenge yourself

Enterprise in education is a challenge, but the rewards for you and your organisation are real. And if you decide to give it a try you won't be alone. There's a wealth of support available to help you. Contact the Determined to Succeed team on tel: 0141 242 5977 or email: