Enterprise in Education moves into next phase

27 June 2008

Preparing Scotland's young workforce for the 21st Century took another step forward today with the announcement of a new phase in enterprise education.

Speaking at an award ceremony to mark the involvement of schools around Scotland in social enterprises, Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, unveiled the next phase of Determined to Succeed aimed at giving young people skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.

Ms Hyslop said:

"We want to maximise Scotland's reputation for enterprise in education by highlighting and extending the work underway to better prepare young people for the world of work.

"Over the past five years, Determined to Succeed – our strategy for enterprise in education – has achieved great things in schools throughout Scotland. As we move into the next phase of its development, we will build on that success to make sure that its impact is felt more strongly and amongst more people than ever before.

Ms Hyslop added:

"Key to the success of Determined to Succeed is encouraging employers to link with schools throughout Scotland to help bring learning to life. 

"In delivering this we recognise the importance of effective leadership in schools to make it happen. Online CPD resources and work placements will be further developed to help teachers deliver enterprising and entrepreneurial lessons in the classroom.

Sir Tom Hunter, a member of the original independent review group that gave rise to Determined to Succeed said:

"Step by step, day by day Scotland marches towards becoming a more enterprising nation. But we need to compare ourselves to world leaders so I'm delighted the SNP Government and Fiona Hyslop continue to embrace and indeed extend dynamically the Determined to Succeed programme, since this keeps us as leaders on the global stage in enterprise education."

David Watt, executive director of the Institute of Directors in Scotland, welcomed Ms Hyslop's announcement today, saying: 

"Together with the other main employer organisations in Scotland we have been working closely with Determined to Succeed to increase awareness of this important initiative and to forge greater links with our members to help build on the excellent work to date in this area.  We believe that enhanced employer and education links will make today’s young people more work ready and instil in them a can do, will do attitude, whilst re-assuring employers of the fantastic potential of our young people."

Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, gave her full support behind this expansion:

"Skills is the number one priority for all businesses in Scotland, therefore it is great to see employer engagement at the centre of the focus to widen the Determined to Succeed strategy. It is important that more businesses become better engaged with young people and school staff, in a way which benefits all parties. I would hope that schools and businesses utilise this opportunity to introduce new ways of engaging, making it exciting and worthwhile - young people and practitioners need to be more aware and informed of the job opportunities, skill requirements and what they need to obtain to be able to access these now and in the future."

Iain McMillian, Director of CBI Scotland. said:

"We welcome Determined to Succeed's commitment to widen participation and links with the business community in Scotland, as we believe that businesses and their employees can add relevance to the learning experience for young people that will play a major part in the creation of job-ready and enterprising individuals for the future."

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